
Monday, November 1, 2010


To say that business school is going to stretch you more ways you can imagine is an understatement. There are so many opportunities to be involved with organizations that are aligned with your career interests, talents, and mission in life that after you’ve wrapped up academics and extra-curriculars plus some social time and job searching, you aren’t left with much time to sleep. And that’s a reality in business school, but also part of the fun.
Two years will fly by – my 13 weeks already has. Therefore, my advice to those of you seriously considering business school is this: Get ready mentally and physically for the business school process. Starting from studying for the GMAT to your applications, and then to the actual two years in school. It will test you, grow you, and mold you into the person you want to be (or at least get you on that path).
Most importantly, it is a process that will involve some moments of introspection. Please remember to pause and really take a step back at various phases when you’re studying and writing your essays to even after you’ve started your program. I am constantly and realistically evaluating my goals and passions in life. Business school is all about having an endless amount of resources but very little time to refine and figure out what you want to do when you graduate. Dig deep to find out what makes you tick and pursue it diligently. People don’t tell you this enough before you come to business school, but I’ll say it over and over again: Have a plan BEFORE you start school. If you have a plan, you’ll get there!
With that, I want to leave you with two books worth reading prior to starting business school to provide some perspective and a worthwhile study break.

·A Random Walk Down Wall Street, Burton G. Malkiel
·Capitalism at the Crossroads: Aligning Business, Earth, and Humanity, Stuart L. Hart

That said, I’m curious… what are some things you’re most looking forward to in business school? Clubs? Social/Networking? Getting started on your new career? Finance courses? Comment back and let me know!
Jennie Wu, Forte Fellow
Class of 2012, USC Marshall School of Business

1 comment:

  1. Hello!

    This was very useful as I am currently working on my essays to USC Marshall! The whole essay writing process has been very introspective but the thing I am looking forward to the most is adding business perspective to my current job and a set of friends who I hope to carry with me into life.
